Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Trollbloods Gallery

My affinity for painting started back in 1996 but I never made it a hobby until earlier this year. I would bring the minis out as well as the crafting paints I got from Wal-Mart every few years and dabble. I really started making an effort to improve my painting skill about a month before I took up MW/H.

Here is my Trollblood warpack. I don't have anything else from this faction painted up yet. I took up Protectorate after picking them up at GenCon earlier this year. I figured with MkII being the new iteration of the system I was better off just taking up my Warmachine army earlier. But now that the field test of HMkII is out, I'm going back to my kriel.

My plan is to one day strip Madrak and redo him. I was very frustrated at the time I was painting him and didn't have the patience to do his detail justice. It functions fine enough as it is for gaming, but it drives me nuts knowing I didn't really even try.

The rest of the trolls were actually done prior to Madrak. I'm posting them in the order I painted them so you can see the "progression". The Impalers were primed white, which prompted me to prime the Axer black. I was much more pleased with how that turned out.

I'll post my Protectorate stuff next. I haven't finished the battlebox yet, but I've painted some unit leaders and solos.


  1. Wow! your metals are absolutely amazing. How did you get the rusted/dirty look on them so well?

  2. Thanks! For the rusted look I'll drybrush a mid-tone brown (I used Woodland Brown from Reaper's Pro-Paint line for the Trolls) over black primer. Then I drybrush a darker chrome metallic over that. I make sure that I get the majority of the black primer covered while leaving some of the brown exposed. I will go over the browns in metallics with a very, very dry brush to make sure it still comes across as metal. Then I run an armor wash over it and do metalic touch-ups as desired.

  3. very cool. I'm gonna have to try that on some of my unpainted cryx jacks. It looks too remarkable not to try. That or on my bane thralls. Either way, looks great!

  4. I'll keep my eyes open to see how you did it. Thanks again for the compliment. I'm happy with how those metals turned out and I hope that with time I can get my other techniques to a point where I'm equally happy with them, hehe.
