Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Protectorate Battlebox

I set up this blog almost two months ago and just now I'm getting around to posting pics of my primary faction, Protectorate of Menoth. I'm going to start with the obvious, the battlebox. I bought the battlebox at GenCon last year. I plan on talking about my painting process within the next few articles so for now we'll just say that I take a while.

I finished my first model, the Revenger, sometime in September. I used mostly the P3s that I bought at the Privateer booth with some supplemental metallics I already owned. This was my first experience with what I now know are the infamous P3 metallics. I get home and my pot of Rhulic Gold was a goopy mess.

I just wasn't that impressed with the Revenger, the colors, the paint job, none of it. By the time I got to Kreoss I had made some adjustments to the scheme. The off-white came across as more of a white that I built up from tans and the wine red of the studio scheme had turned more of a typical red. I'm not really big on the bronze/gold family of metallic colors so I opted to paint the armor a golden yellow. I felt better about the actual painting for Kreoss than I did the previous model. But I still didn't care for the colors.

At this point I painted a couple of unit leaders and a solo which I will get to in another article. Then the MKII field test of Hordes came out and I bought a bunch of Trollbloods stuff and put most of it together. It was probably another six weeks before I painted another model.

When I finally got back around to painting it was time for the Repenter. I had given it plenty of thought and I really wanted to ditch those warm browns that I was using for the armor. I also wanted to try and get a colder feel out of the white. I switched the browns to grays, started building up to white from gray, instead of tans. I also decided to make more use of chrome metallics. I began using different shades of red than I had been previously which gives it more of a maroonish red feel than a proper red. I also highlighted the red with a very thin application of Citadel's Warlock Purple which gives the red tones a colder feel. It's more obvious in person than it is in the pic.

There really isn't much to say about the Crusader. I just ported over the techniques and colors I had used for the Repenter and called it a day.

I ended the battlebox on a much higher note than I had started with. A friend of mine had purchased a Crusader, Repenter, and Revenger (and a handful of Choir blisters) in a bargain bin at the FLGS back in Utah. I was able to pick those up from him in trade so I'll get the Revenger right next time. Add to that the new Kreoss sculpt and I'll have a pretty consistent and much better looking battlebox set. It should come in handy for that day when I apply to be a PG.

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